Thursday, September 28, 2006


The deep dark blues took over that night, black wasn't far from reach. Words are never to easy to be grasped as meanings seem to twist into riddles. I have spoken but none understood, sang but none listened. I seek one to know my deep secrets but found none, I have been mistaken again. Maybe I expected what God should have given me, from man. Maybe I am wrong again, but the fact only tells me that my expectations were never met.. Will they ever be? ..Maybe.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I think I am going to explode. HELL! What do I care if I do? How would it matter? Sick! We all look for a purpose and a reason to live, a Difference to make or a Change. DAMN nothing never seem to change since BC! It`s the same old repeated story of silly events and predictable endings. Sick! The more the story is repeated the more we feel that the past was more original. Burn the flags, make of them some more useful toilet paper. What good is a country, what's the use of borders? Protection? Or control? Is it good 4 the people? Or the leaders? HELL with politics! The educate people to obey but never to create. Follow and never to lead! It's a sick Game to play and more sick to witness. Where is the Humanity? Our Human Identity? We are an offspring of one man, now we are only strangers to eachother, neverless; Enemies! Come on for God's sake grab my hand! What? You don't believe in God? I wont care less if you do. It's hard to find God in churches or mosques or synagogues or even pagan temples. Hold my hand and make a stand for the freedom of the human race. Freedom not from aliens nor tyrants, freedom from ignorance and narrow minded lives that we have been living. Unity instead of the parties we follow, Diversity instead of the monotonousity we seek. Maybe when we do this, maybe when we are one, we may find God. For God dwells not in the temples made of ideas and stones.. But in Humanity.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Good Bye

A good father, a Pastor and a friend. A smile never faded, a hug never cold and care that never dissolved. Passion beyond, energy, wisdom and strength filled. More than human, angelic and godly. A man of innocence and wisdom. A man I will sure miss.. Pastor Dave, I will miss you.
Writings and Artwork Posted here are Copyright © 2005-2006, Kareem Makram