Friday, December 8, 2006

The World's Smallest Flying Mashines

For years I have been praying for God to make me fly, I guess if my prayer is going to be answered it will be by having one of those !

Saturday, December 2, 2006


I missed my guitar, just want to play a tune. New poem, new song. My heart bears a lot of words a lot of feelings.I feel I sometimes need some silence, some quietness with someone I love and trust. Life gets distracting sometimes that we loose the best thing we ever have. We can loose a good friend in the crowd, we can loose a lover in the race of life, we can loose even our own sense of being under the burdens of work and responsibility. Strange, sometimes to run, do do do turn to be less effective than to wait. The nature revealed a lot of secrets in the silence more than the rush. In me I feel this longing for quietness, a calm song and a healing word. I want to make a toast to an old friend, tell a funny story about the times of my childhood or maybe just watch the stars in this long blue night. Simple things with loved ones is the essence of happiness in this life.
Writings and Artwork Posted here are Copyright © 2005-2006, Kareem Makram