Friday, October 6, 2006

That Darn Insomnia

Been more than two nights now.. Can't sleep!
Mind goes on thinking and thinking like crazy, heart troubled with his own beat. I sleep for a moment and yet dreams attack me, I see faces, people, events but I don't understand what's going on. Entrenched somewhere with bullets flying around and I can hardly know where do they come from. My spirit and body are troubled, something is wrong but I can't figure out what yet. In the past I used to see my enemies face to face, those hideous scorpions, those cunning snakes, those ugly beasts and demons, but recently I see none. Have they put on masks? Or are they using a different medium? I don't know. I seek to write because I find refuge in speaking out my mind to myself in clear and plane words. It's hard, I can hardly find peace, can hardly close my eyes and retire to sleep.

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