Monday, April 17, 2006

Thoughts Devoured

My heart hurts me and I don't know why. Been sailing this raging sea for so long, lost a lot; can't deny. Mountains of tranquility call my mind to dream of their outstanding serenity and amazing solidity. Waves of confusion and irrationability blows the sails of my mind into unwanted currents that drift me off course. Sailing this sea has never been easy anyone.. And definitely not for me.

thoughts boil in my heart evaporates visions of those mountains, but my senses blow away this wonderful vapor and exhales out facts and diminishes all those outstanding fantasies. Rock - Scissors - Paper - Rock - Scissors - Paper - Rock - Scissors - Paper...
Will this game ever settle a score? Or will a mad man's wish go unfulfilled till his days go wasted away? Rock - Scissors - Paper, Will you ever make peace? Will I know the answer laying the fleece? Mindless heaven and meaningless haven is the no answer relief. Short term peace it is, one day flower, sunrise in a storm and a shooting star light. But me no settle for fake diamonds nor sign nominal treaties, for me seek truth however bitter cup it might pour in, whatever it may take and however it has to be.

Time, I wish it was only a matter of time. Ticks have kept me awake at night, counting them but never reaching a stop nor even knowing where I started. Man's days are numbered by watches & clocks. So strange how the smallest lifeless thing can carry so much wisdom and a messages to deliver. Mind is sick, so sick wants to go to make chaos and destroy sanity.

.. I should get some sleep.

1 comment:

ArOmA said...

i loved it.... such an amazing way to express urself.... fan of ur writing skills :)

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