Thursday, March 9, 2006

If she was ever in Eden

She, the most wonderful person my eyes has ever seen. Her voice is the most relieving tone my ears has ever enjoyed. Everything about her makes me wish only for one wish.
That we would have met in Eden. With no memories, no past, no fear, no second thoughts, no regrets and no insecurities. I can take them away if she wanted, if only she surrendered and trusted me. But my hands are tied with a promise and my arms are wrapped in the chains of logic and understanding. I feel like a bomb that is ticking and like a smoking mountain ready to release its hidden volcano. A heart full of overwhelming love ready to burst with all its love and adoration. But then the mind rules me, understanding control my actions. How can I put fire in me and not burn and how can I leave a bomb in me and not explode? Can understanding answer that? Can reason argue with me? Or is it sometimes that ill logical natural actions be more wise than civilized organized reason? Or is it the pride of intelligence that ruins that purity of instincts? I wish we met in Eden, it wouldn't have to be this way.

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