Saturday, February 4, 2006

Beautiful Star

Let it be tonight, bring them all! Your fears, emotions, accusations and doubts. For God's sake if you fill them up in a cup for me I will drink it and ask for more. Let it be tonight, bring all your enemies of your lands and the beasts of your wilderness and I will make them no more. Let it be tonight, when I rip my hear out and place it a sacrifice on the alter of love. Let it be tonight.

God, I missed her like the fires of the core of the earth and the flames of the sun. Like something has been missing from my very existence. Since the dawn of my creation.
Spill down the seas God over my flaming hear to put out the fire in me, but I know now why You didn't. You had something else in plan. Beyond my knowledge of time, beyond my expectations. You brought me back what I thought I would never find. My beautiful star.

Beautiful star, glittering along that dark blue skies. Sending your rays along the shores and sand, bringing beady to the land. O how beautiful you are. I would stand on the tip of a mountain to touch you. I would climb its snowy peeks and its icy rocks just to see you. Hopefully touch you. I would reach out and strech as much as I can, risk the down fall and the break. Risk my time and life. Anything that I takes. Even if it takes me. Beautiful Star, you turned the night of my loneliness to the morning of the great feast. You brought music to my ears and dancing to my body. I shall rejoice over you tonight for I have found you at last.

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